Tuesday, December 12, 2017

What Are Smart Heating Systems?

What Are Smart Heating Systems?

What Are Smart Heating Systems?

New home smart systems are the latest in smart controls with the most technologically-advanced tools. The result is a reliable, efficient, intuitive and responsive home comfort system. Marthedal Solar, Air & Heating is the leading provider of home comfort solutions and heating and cooling in Fresno CA. These are some of the key components used in today’s systems that can improve control and comfort:

  • Smart thermostats
  • Air handlers of variable speeds
  • Furnaces of variable capacity
  • Intelligent zoning

Home Improvement and Heating and Cooling in Fresno CA

heating and coolingA smart thermostat constantly monitors your operation and notifies you when it’s time to replace the filter system. They can schedule preventive maintenance appointments and tuneups, automatically alerting your technician if problems arise.

Simple Maintenance and Tune up Scheduling

Smart thermostats communicate with other components to provide effortless oversight over energy consumption and comfort system.

Maximize Functions

Intuitive thermostats also monitor pollen levels and humidity levels in your home, filtering harmful substances in the air and regulating healthy humidity levels.

Consolidate Heating In Larger Homes

With a smart zoning heating system, the thermostat will monitor and direct heat to specific areas rooms in your home based on factors like occupancy and frequency of use.

Saving Energy Is The New Norm

A smart system can detect when you’re at home based on your phone’s GPS location and can also optimize the temperature in your home when you’re at home and while you’re away.

Efficient Heating Solutions

Multi Zone Solutions

Multi-zone your home to heat or cool specific rooms to specific temperatures, even further accurately to certain specified times. This keeps you from using up energy on spaces that are rarely used.

Imagine taking a long walk with the dogs on Sunday and you end up with wet and muddy boots and paws. The radiators and radiant heating system will be there to make sure that the house is all warmed up, ready for your arrival. Zoning is tailored to every individual family member’s schedule, making sure that the system is optimized for everyone’s maximum benefit.

Why Simply Closing Vents Doesn’t Work

To save energy, it might sound reasonable to close vents in rooms that no one is using but this is not the case. The ac and heating systems from other areas of the house leak into these unused rooms, causing you to spend more on heating and energy!

Since the HVAC unit in your house is designed to heat and cool every inch of your house, when you shut vents, you remove a specific space from the ducting’s output, causing the heater and ac unit to operate poorly.

This can even damage your unit. When the air doesn’t circulate through the vents, it can back up. Increased in pressure in the ducts can lead to leaks. You need to catch these issues in your system before they lead to something worse. You can read more on this from our previous blog on scheduled home heating services.

When you’re looking for heating in Fresno, we are the best contractor for your comfort needs!

The post What Are Smart Heating Systems? appeared first on Marthedal Solar, Air & Heating.

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