Tuesday, September 17, 2019

House Fire Hazards | Protect Your Home Air Conditioning Service

House Fire Hazards | Protect Your Home Air Conditioning Service

A fire engulfed a house in East Hedges Avenue, Saturday morning on the 14th of September that injured two people. Initial investigation shows that the fire originated in the garage. The cause of this disaster is still under investigation as of this writing.

More update about this news in this article.

Residential Fire Statistics

Fires can become the scariest and deadliest calamity that can hit any home. It can happen at night when people are asleep and vulnerable to harm. It can happen while you are cooking lunch, in the kitchen, where the children are nearby. Or a short circuit in one of the wall sockets in the living room while you’re busy doing the laundry in the basement. It can happen anytime.

Based on the reports presented by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) on their website, between 2013-2017 alone, there are 382,397 residential fires, 2,739 civilian deaths, 11,672 were injured, and a total of $7,298,475,282 of property loss. This data does not include the statics of 2018 and this year.

ac service

The Leading Causes of House Fire

The huge number of unfortunate incidents provide valuable information on the leading causes of residential fires. Find out which ones are the most common cause.

1. Cooking

Every kitchen is equipped with appliances that help lessen the workload and cover more work in a shorter period of time. Potential fire hazard comes in the form of faulty wiring, too hot cooking oil, or unattended pots and pans. Don’t leave the kitchen when you’re cooking, frying, broiling, or grilling. If you need to leave the area, even for a few minutes, turn off the stove or any appliance you’re using.

2. Smoking

Smoking inside the house is a fire hazard. According to NFPA, house fires that were caused by smoking in homes is the leading cause of fire deaths in the country. Non-thoroughly extinguished cigarette butts can land on bedding, mattresses, upholstery, curtains, and furniture which can easily create fire. Always smoke outside. Before throwing cigarette butts in the trash bin, soak it in water.

3. Wood Stoves and Fireplaces

These two are among the leading causes of house fires because burning wood creates sparks that go astray or burning logs that may roll out. To prevent accidents, contain the area by installing a glass door or a spark screen. Never leave the area unattended and periodically removed cooled ashes to a covered container.

4. Old and Faulty Electrical Wiring

In older homes, electrical wiring is often inadequate which places everyone at risk of electrical fires. Some indications of faulty wiring include tripping circuit breakers, fuses that constantly blows, and lights flickering or dimming when you turn on an appliance. Have a licensed electrician assess the overall electrical wiring of your home if you have experienced these signs and more.

Other common causes include:

  • Portable heaters – must be kept at least three feet away from any furniture curtains, or fabrics.
  • Appliance cords – replace all damaged cords right away and never overload extension cords.
  • Lamps and lights – position lamps on a sturdy base and make sure that hanging lights are properly insulated.

Prevent Air Conditioner Fires

Only a small percentage of the total home fires recorded by NFPA were caused by air conditioner malfunction. But their data indicates that these fires occurred mostly in June, July, and August when all AC services are in full use. This is mainly due to some form of electrical problem or overheating due to overuse. Old, worn, or damaged wiring and loose electrical connections can cause sparks. In most cases, the insulation on an electrical wire is the first to ignite and lead to a fire. This is especially true for old systems.

Put your mind at ease and have a professional technician inspect the overall condition of your AC. Proper maintenance and routine tuning can eliminate these risk factors.

Know more about your heating and cooling system. Call Marthedal Solar, Air & Heating – Fresno Air Conditioning or visit our page.

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