Tuesday, October 1, 2019

What You Need to Know Before Installing Solar Panels on Your Roof

What You Need to Know Before Installing Solar Panels on Your Roof

The installation of solar panels is a growing market, especially in California. People are more open to the possibility of relying less on commercial electrical source and gravitating more towards a cleaner and eco-friendly energy supply.

Although this is a promising market and has seen growth over the years, the number of households and businesses with years of experience in solar is far smaller. Most of the establishments and properties we see today that has these sunlight-harnessing panels are just about new with more years ahead to test out the system.

Besides, it can be a leap of faith for some – the panels will go on top of the roof – which can be viewed as invasive. It’s a decision you can’t change after it’s made.

Considerations to Make

The cost of installation has dropped to a significant amount compared to when it was first introduced for commercial and residential use. Some companies offer financial assistance and agreeable packages for interested applicants. Even the government offers some form of support for the locals.

This goes to show how solar power has grown as a reliable alternative over the years.

However, before you decide to get one for your home, consider asking these questions yourself to assess whether you are ready to move forward.

solar panel

Can your roof support the panels?

This is the most basic requirement for this project to succeed. Is the roof in shade most of the day? Is it angled in the right direction? This is something you want to check before making any plans. If your roof is fit for solar panels, then first you have to make sure that it’s in good shape. That it is strong enough to support the panels.

If it doesn’t have the best angle or if it isn’t in the condition for panel installations, don’t give up just yet. Instead of having them on your roof, check out if a shared or community solar is available in your area. This alternative allows several clients to own a percentage of a solar installation and receive credits on their monthly utility bills.

Have you improved efficiency in your home?

What is your usual monthly electricity consumption? The amount of solar power that has to be generated by the panels will depend on your monthly usage. Think of ways to cut down power consumption. A good example is to set the thermostat higher when no one is at home at least 25 to 27 degrees when you’re around. It might be higher than your preferred room temp but it’s still comfortable.

Here are other tips to help lower power consumption at home.

Which is the best solar type for you?

Photovoltaic and thermal solar technologies are the top choices in the market. Photovoltaic uses arrays of cells or panels to harness sunlight and convert it into electricity, while thermal technology heats water or air inside the home using the sun’s energy. Panels are more common for businesses and residences so the number of qualified installers is abundant.

Thermal, on the other hand, is only ideal for areas where the price for heating fuel is high and homes that use a lot of energy for their heating needs. It’s an option less used in homes so their maybe fewer companies that install this type.

Solar Panel Mounting, Installation, and Maintenance

Marthedal Solar, Air & Heating – Clovis Air Conditioning is a leading contractor in air conditioning, heating, and solar systems. We have a team of skilled technicians who have been in this industry for years.

From consultation and assessment to installation and maintenance, we provide honest and trustworthy service to improve home comfort and quality of life of every household.

Call us today for more information or visit our page, https://aamarthedal.com.

The post What You Need to Know Before Installing Solar Panels on Your Roof appeared first on Marthedal Solar, Air & Heating.

This post What You Need to Know Before Installing Solar Panels on Your Roof was featured on Marthedal Solar, Air & Heating

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