Friday, December 6, 2019

Have You Scheduled Your AC Unit for Spring Maintenance? | Avoid Repairs

What’s the best way to avoid an emergency home AC service request? Get a maintenance appointment for your AC unit before summer!

Yes, Spring is the best time to have your cooling system checked before the summer days heat up. Right now, your air conditioning is taking some time off after winter. So while it’s not in use, this is the best time to tap on your phone and call an HVAC company.

All this talk about scheduling a service visit as early as possible has many benefits. Any Fresno ac service professional from the heating and cooling field always recommend getting an appointment early on. Why so? There are several reasons and here what’s at the top of the list:

1. The early bird catches the worm. Getting an early appointment means you have secured a good time for a service visit. You do not need to procrastinate and compete with other homeowners who are in need of a professional.

2. Have a worry-free Summer ahead. Knowing that a Fresno air conditioner service technician is scheduled to visit your home anytime soon, there’s no need to think about your air conditioner all the time. It will get cleaned at the perfect time.

In the more technical side of the maintenance and tune-up of your system, early intervention means better efficiency and longer lasting equipment. Moreover, this step will help you:

• Make sure that the condenser and evaporator coil gets cleaned. Both the evaporator and condenser coils get dirty during their months of use, and the amount of dirt can multiply when the filter isn’t changed regularly. You can help by keeping the area where the condenser is placed free of falling leaves and clippings from the lawn mower.

• Make sure that the condensate drains aren’t clogged. If the condensate drain channels aren’t drained properly, the unit loses its ability to effectively remove humidity from the air. Excess moisture in your home is a breeding ground for mold and mildew. It can also cause the discoloration of the walls and ceilings, and carpet and furniture.

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